Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A few cadets from the United States Military Academy (USMA, pronounced you’smay) at West Point attend LDAC every year. Every where they go the cadre calls them out and makes them do The Rocket, which is a little cheer done at West Point football games.
USMA rah-rah!
USMA rah-rah!
A-army RAH!

It is pretty lame, but whatever. The cadre love trying to embarrass the West Pointers by making them do this and the little dance that goes along with it. However, our friendship with our very own West Pointer, Adam Lim, spawned OPERATION: CONFUSION.

SGT: Where’s my West Pointer?
Lim: stands up I’m from West Point.
Smith: stands up I’m from West Point.
Berry: stands up No, I’m from West Point.
White: stands up I am from West Point.
Half of the Platoon: stands up I am from West Point.

It really was a touching scene.

Note: They still found Adam and made him do The Rocket.


Natalie said...

So were they all really from West Point? Why did they pick on the one guy?

Stacey said...

so funny! sounds like you had a great time!