Monday, July 21, 2008

Army and The Classical Age

This past weekend I got to go play Army. It was a lot of fun because I got put on the Group Commander's staff along with a bunch of people who way-the-heck out-rank me. Primarily, I did minor administrative functions like type stuff up, but it was cool to hear the strategic discussions and, every once in a while, to say something that helped shape the strategy. They had a retired Army Colonel there training us on how to function as a staff, and how to support the commander. It was great fun, and it confirmed that being an officer in Army is the best career choice I could make.

From time to time a friend will say something like, “That is classic Dave Buck,” with a smile on their face. It is usually in reference to a comment like, “I like armpits, but I wouldn’t lick one.” (I don’t understand why that seems an odd statement to people; I mean, armpits really help with flexibility, but would you lick an armpit? Exactly my point.) It has been nice to see them enjoy my friendship and personality. More recently, upon hearing that, I thought, “Classic rock is from a bygone era that is no longer. Classic cars, also. Classical Greece and Rome, though wonderful, are also past.”

It has become apparent, then, that when my friends refer to “classic Dave Buck” actions and statements, they are enjoying a flashback to a previous time. Every once in a while, I will say and do the things that caused them to be friends with me way back when. I wonder, how much is their hanging out with me for my current personality, and how much are they really just waiting to see if I will revert back to the person they used to like? Maybe I will one day regain the former glory of my highest personalitical achievements.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Dave, you are AWESOME all the time! Doing something 'Classic Dave Buck' just shows you ARE still the same guy they love!!