Saturday, July 12, 2008

I love the opposite sex at LEAST as much as the next guy, but INCESSANT physical contact?

Recently a friend sent me an e-mail, reminding me of a note I sent her several years back. Here it is, reproduced in a new, digital format.

by Dave Buck
Observation: Some people act like they can't function without holding the hand of another, someone of the opposite sex.

Men and women have different pH levels.

Hearts beat powered by what has been called 'wet' electricity.

Certain chemical reactions create electricity.

Hypothesis: Some people have weaker batteries that will run out of electricity causing heart problems. They hold hands with someone of the opposite sex because

1- holding hands induces hand-sweating
2- different pH levels cause a chemical reaction, generating electricity

Conclusion: In this way they avoid heart problems.

Science at its finest.


Stacey said...

Funny! Maybe you should contact a heart specialist and encourage him prescribe hand-holding to people with a possible heart condition. Glad to see you've got a blog going!

Natalie said...

Dave, nice to see you have a blog! However, I refuse to conform. Actually, it's harder since I don't have a home computer and I am sneaking online at work. :-) But I'll be able to keep up with you guys.