Friday, July 31, 2009

The Best

As squad leader for the last few days, I was tasked with certain assignments for cleaning the barracks before we left to go home. It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life. Third and fourth squads were tasked to clean the latrine. The third squad leader was gone, so there I was, standing in the middle of the latrine, looking around to identify the next task. As people finished their particular task, they would ask me what to do next, and I would just say it. Then it was done. As problems arose, I told them how to fix it, then sent them out to do so.
Though a simple task, the exhilaration of controlling that much labor is unmatched. As a single individual, I had the strength, intelligence, and capacity of twenty-two men.


Timani said...

Alright Dave, your assignment for tomorrow when you are here is to tell us what needs to be done and whip my kids into shape.

Stacey said...

I love it! I can totally picture you standing in the latrine giving orders :)