Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sometimes boys see each other naked.

A few months back my ROTC buddy, Vern, and I discovered we both knew this girl named Amanda. A pretty girl—blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. (Um, I guess I should also say that she has other good qualities besides being attractive. Amanda is intelligent, devout, and very pure.) She and I went out for a little while. Vern works with her.

This morning Vern confessed to me that he had asked her about it.

Vern: So you guys went out on some dates? What happened?

Amanda: I don’t know, it just didn’t go anywhere. He’s a nice guy, but….

Vern: Well, I just saw him in the locker room shower. You really might want to reconsider.

Amanda: Turns bright red.


acandiedapple said...

Love it! That's hilarious.

Timani said...


Poor Amanda...but not really.

Natalie said...

What the..... oh my gosh, I am SOOO cracking up. HAHAHA Go Dave!

Cassandra said...

So boys can see each other naked and talk about it but they can't sleep in the same bed and talk about it? That seems like a very strange double standard to me...

Dave Buck said...

Timani--no, really.

Stacey said...

"You might want to reconsider". Could he have chosen a better line? I think not! Hilarious! And I love Cassandra's comment!