Recently I have taken to listening to a communist podcast. Why on earth would I do that? It was
a) free
b) a novelty
c) a different point of view from which to see the world
d) all of the above
The answer is d. Seeing Red Radio has focused a lot of their coverage on "our Palestinian brothers" and their struggle against the capitalist behemoth, Israelimerica. Okay, so I made up that last word, but it is a great way to describe what the communists are speaking of. I understand that people are upset with the whole Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It shouldn't be that difficult to work out not blowing each other up. I, personally, have never had difficulty trying to work out an understanding that would prevent me from killing other people. Often, I have thought, "Okay, so divide it into two stinking states."
I've been listening to Matisyahu's "Jerusalem." So here is my new question, and it's a genuine question: if the whole world is already Arab, why should an Arab state be made right in the middle of Israel? Sure, the Israelis stole the land. We stole land from Mexico after they wouldn't sell it to us. (The next time we offered to buy land, Mexico sold it.)
What do you think?
8 years ago
I like your point about the size of Israel compared to the Arab world.
Israel: just over 21,000 sq. km.
Arab World: just over 11,000,000 sq. km.
Will the Arabs really be satisfied with 10,000 square kilometers? I'm sure it will solve all their problems and they will be peaceful forever after.
Um, it's kinda gay that you think you have to put 'PhD' after your name. Especially since you are acting as if all Arabs are the same. The West looks at them as a single group, but they see vast differences amongst themselves. (For example, look at Iraq.)
Another thing you fail to recognize, Dr. Flanagan, is that Israel has promised to give the West Bank back, but just keeps making excuses for why the time is not yet right. Why do you think the refugee camps have lasted for fifty years? It is because Israel has never claimed the land. They have simply occupied it. Which is another thing affecting the Iraq War. Dave's 'Israelimerica' definition is right on. It is the world domination force people fear most. If Israel and America are seen as twin-entities, then the tactics will be largely the same. Why would the US ever leave Iraq, or really give over sovereignty? Israel will not do it with the West Bank.
Since when do you play football?
Since I met this girl who likes football.
Um, what does football have to do with Israel? Just curious.
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